22nd European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition
09-03 until 2007-09-07 Milan, Italy
The Fiera Milano - the city's new Fairground and Conference centre is
Italy's largest and at the same time most modern trade fair and congress
complex with high qualitative, functional and technical standards.
Parallel to the conference, we expect over 523 exhibitors from over 30
countries who will present research findings, new production processes
new products in the area of solar power generation in an exhibition
space of
30.000 mē.
Hall 20 / Stand F50
Intersolar 2007
06-21. until 2007-06-23 Fair Center Freiburg - Freiburg, Germany
Intersolar is Europe's largest international trade fair for solar
Technology. Its focus lies on photovoltaics, solar thermal technology
and solar architecture.
Intersolar is the only European solar technology fair which has been
recognized as an international trade fair by both the German Trade Fair
Industry Association (AUMA) and the World Organization for Trade Fairs
and Exhibitions (UFI).
Stand 6.3.77 and FG.99
RENEXPO Central and South-East Europe 200
04-19 until 2007-04-21 HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center, Hungary
International trade fair and congress for renewable energy and energy
efficient construction and renovation
zeroEmission PV ROME Mediterranean 2009
Sept 30. till Oct 2. ROME Fair CENTRE, Italy
International trade fair and congress for renewable energy and energy
efficient construction and renovation